Prepare your home for summer
By Joel Unruh
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Building Materials, Decking And Railing, Fence, Roofing, Saws, Siding, Windows, Woodworking Tools5 Ways To Prepare Your Home for Summer

Summer is here. Get your home into shape by following these five tips.
Consider installing a smart thermostat to increase your homes efficiency.
1. Service your air conditioner
Take time now to ensure that your air conditioner is in perfect condition. Start by replacing your air filter and cleaning the area around the air conditioning unit and vents. Test your air conditioner and ensure it is cooling your home properly. If it isn't working efficiently, you will probably want to call in an HVAC professional. Ensure a detailed check is done to look for any leaks or defects within your A/C unit.2. Protect from water damage
With the heat comes rain, and occasionally, rainstorms can turn disastrous. Be sure to protect your home against flooding and storm damage by checking your home's foundation. Specifically, you'll want to check out your basement. Look for cracks or holes and seal accordingly. Make sure that your gutters are cleaned and that water is flowing away from your home, not to it. Don't forget to inspect your roof to check for broken shingles, cracks, and warping. If you suspect your roof needs some repair, Construx has your all the materials you will need.3. Bug-proof your home
Bugs are on the move, they often find comfort in your home. You prevent this by ensuring your home is properly sealed. Take a look at your windows and doors to see if there are any gaps or cracks and caulk closed if necessary. If you have windows needing replacement, call your Construx sales rep. You may also want to consider bringing in a pest control specialist to spray the outside of your home with insecticide. Many pest control companies offer natural solutions to safeguard your home against unwanted visitors. There are also many pest control products that you can use on your home, without having to hire a professional.4. Dust and switch your ceiling fans
Your ceiling fans have likely collected a considerable amount of dust. Take the time to dust and wash them. Use a safe ladder system. Ceiling fans are made to spin in different directions depending on the season. During the summertime, ceiling fans should rotate counterclockwise to promote air movement.5. Build a storm emergency kit
Doesn't matter where you live, there is always a risk for severe weather. Be prepared by creating an emergency kit. Have it on hand in the case of an emergency. Building a storm kit doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. Get a small plastic container together containing emergency items, like a small first aid kit and flashlight, don't forget batteries, bottles of water, canned food and a can opener and cellphone chargers. It is also a good idea to have a small batter operated radio. And always have a fire extinguisher handy. Tags :